new dog new home

Bringing a new dog into your home is a very exciting time for all new dog pawrents. However, it is important to remember that your new furry friend will need some time to adjust to their new environment – remember they will need to adjust to new smells, new people, new routines and new surroundings.   Here are a few tips to help your new 4-legged friend settle in.


Creating a Safe Space

  • Set up a designated area for your new dog or puppy to retreat to when they need some alone time.  This could include a bed, crate or room and ensure when they do go to this space you leave them undisturbed, so they know they have a safe space.
  • Provide comfortable bedding and a few toys to keep them entertained.
  • Introduce them to one room at a time to prevent them becoming overwhelmed.
  • Gradually allow them access to more areas of the house as they become more comfortable.
  • Dog proof your home – make sure your garden and house are safe and secure and free of any toxic plants or materials.

Establishing Routine

  • Dogs thrive on routine, so establish a feeding, walking, and play schedule. However, don’t rush to take them out of the house in the first few days, as introducing them to too many new experiences may overload their system.
  • Consistency will help your new dog feel secure in their new environment.

Building Trust

  • Make sure someone is home with the dog for at least the first week, this will help build the relationship with your new pet and let you spend quality time getting to know them.
  • Spend quality time bonding with your new dog through play and training.
  • Introduce systematic departures by leaving your new pet alone for short periods to help avoid the development of separation anxiety.
  • Use positive reinforcement to build trust and strengthen your bond.

Socializing Your Dog

  • Introduce your new dog to other pets and family members slowly and under supervision. The way in which you do this will depend on your dog’s previous life experiences and their personality.  If you require advice it is best to speak to your local veterinarian.
  • Enrol them in obedience classes or puppy school to help them socialize with other dogs.


By following these steps and being patient with your new dog, you can help them settle into their new home and ensures they are able to transition with the least amount of stress. Remember, every dog is unique, so it may take time for them to adjust. Remember trust must be built with your new dog, and this takes time, patience and forgiveness when they make a mistake.  With love and care, your new furry friend will soon feel right at home.