cute dog bathtube

There is nothing better than a good pamper session, and our dogs love a bit of self-care too.  These homemade doggie bath bombs are beneficial for your pup’s skin and fur, and crafting a pet-friendly variation is simpler than you may imagine. They provide essential hydration, eliminate dirt and dander, and incorporate calming essential oils for a soothing experience.

Ingredients – Makes 6 medium-size bath bombs

  • ½ cup colloidal oatmeal (you can substitute with ground oatmeal or oat flour) Oatmeal helps to soothe irritation and itchiness
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup food-grade citric acid
  • ½ cup Epsom salt (you can substitute with sea salt)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil (almond oil works great as well, as both types of oil are beneficial to the skin) (You need the oil to shape the bath bomb)
  • 10 drops of chamomile essential oil (or any essential of your choice)
  • Food colouring or soap dye (optional)
  • Bath bomb moulds (you can substitute with any fun silicone moulds or even cookie cutters)


  1. In a small bowl mix in melted coconut oil, essential oil, and food colouring of your choice.
  2. In a large bowl mix in all dry ingredients; baking soda, citric acid, Epsom salt.
  3. Add the pre-mixed liquid ingredients into the large bowl with the dry ingredients. Mix well, break apart any clumps. It should feel like wet sand. (Test for consistency, squeeze a handful of mixture together; it’s good if it stays together. If the mixture falls apart, add a little more coconut oil)
  4. Pick up a handful of mixture and place into the mould. Tightly fill the mould.
  5. Allow your bath bombs to dry in their moulds for at least 24 hours. Once dry, remove them from their moulds and store them in a cool, dry place.
  6. When it’s bath time, fill your tub with warm water (not too hot) to a level your dog will be comfortable with. Throw in one bath bomb and allow it to fizz and dissolve, then have an awesome bath!**

*Always use therapeutic-grade essential oils. Lower-grade oils and fragrance oils may irritate your dog’s skin and cause adverse reactions.

**The ingredients should not pose a significant health risk for pets. However, use caution to make sure your dog doesn’t drink too much bath water, which can cause upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Food for Dogs  – love ‘em like family, feed ‘em like dogs.