Just like many of us, our canine besties love spending time outside soaking up the sun, but as summer approaches and the weather starts to heat up we need to ensure we are keeping our dogs as cool as possible.


Heatstroke in dogs, just as in humans, can become very serious very quickly, and can result in organ failure or death if not treated quickly, so it is really important that as an owner you are aware of the sign and symptoms of heatstroke, and contact your vet immediately if you suspect any of them. 

Signs of heatstroke;

  • Heavy panting and difficulty breathing
  • Excessively drooling
  • The dog appears lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated
  • Collapsed or vomiting

There are steps you can take to help ensure your beloved dog stays safe during the warmer weather, continue reading for our tips to keep your dog cool.

Tips for Keeping Cool

  • Walk your dog in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest parts of the day, and avoid any strenuous activity.
  • Do the pavement test – if you can’t stand barefoot or place your hand on the road without removing it for 5-7 seconds its too hot for your dog.
  • Keep your dog inside where possible, and if they must be outside ensure they have ample shade available.
  • Give them a damp towel or cooling mat to lie on, or wet them down with cool water and let them dry off in the shade or inside near a fan.
  • Encourage them to lie some cool like tiles to help their bodies natural cooling mechanisms
  • Make some frozen treats for them to enjoy! Check out our “Treat Tuesdays” for some ideas.
  • Make sure your dog has access to fresh, cool water placed in the shade and ideally where it cannot be tipped over. You can try placing ice blocks in water bowls to keep their water cooler for longer.
  • Fill up a shallow wading pool in the shade for your dog, but only if you are there to supervise especially if you have smaller dogs.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a parked vehicle on a hot day